Monday, September 30, 2019

You are ALREADY Complete

"You are ALREADY Complete" | Boldness & Virtue (Episode 2):

(View this video below.)

       Episode Two: "You are ALREADY Complete." The LORD has led me to speak on feeling incomplete, rejection, confidence, validation, and to encourage you to seek your completion, confidence, and validation in our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! I will also explain this very important fact: There is a difference between being complete and feeling fulfilled! We are also about to look at the story of Ruth and Boaz in a way that you might not have ever heard it explained before! Although God has led me to focus more so on the area of your love life, you can also apply these principles outside of your love life! This message is not just for the ladies, gentlemen are welcome as well!

       Get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles (or bible apps)! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on screen! So, if you'd like to, feel free to take personal notes!

       I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

Important Verses to Remember:

       There are a couple of verses the LORD is leading me to share. Yes, these verses appear in this episode. However, this is something for you to meditate on whenever you are feeling incomplete.

Colossians 2:9-10 (NLT):
For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. 10 So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

What is Boldness & Virtue?

       All glory to God: Boldness & Virtue is a show the LORD led me to create to express that all of life's answers are in the Word of God! There will be biblical teachings, testimonies, story times, advice, and more! I am as personal and as candid as the Holy Spirit leads me to be. This show also presents great opportunities to get into and study the Word of God! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each show for your own personal studies, note-taking, and learning! It is so very important to keep God first in our lives, to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our LORD and Savior and also follow His beautiful example, and to always be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives—and Boldness & Virtue encourages and teaches all of this!

       A few examples of the topics that will be addressed are the following: Celibacy, feeling incomplete, living with purpose, forgiveness, and toxic friends. So, get ready! We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of our life answers can certainly be found in the Word of God, and we are about to explore!

       Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places in my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, creativity, and talking! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

       *Please note: Boldness & Virtue is a "show" by definition and format only (there is an intro, a theme song, different segments, etc.). While God does have a sense of humor and He loves joyfulness and fun—God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is not a form of entertainment and will not be mocked. A "show" is just what God asked me to present for Him, and I am humbly glad to do so.

       Welcome to Boldness & Virtue! My name is Charrese Monique, and I am so glad God brought you here! All glory to God, may you be blessed as you watch the show!

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

In Service to My Dear Heavenly Father, God
With Love,
Charrese Monique

Copyright 2019, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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