Friday, September 20, 2019

About Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Hi! Welcome to Boldness & Virtue Ministries!!! My name is Charrese Monique!

We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of life's answers can certainly be found in the Word of God—and we are about to explore!

As a part of this ministry, I have a new show called: Boldness & Virtue! We will be dealing with big topics such as: celibacy, toxic friends, living with purpose, feeling incomplete, forgiveness, Christian life, and more! There will be biblical teachings. Story times, personal life lessons, and testimonies will be shared. I am as personal and as candid as the LORD leads me to be. So, please, get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles or bible apps! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each episode! So, if you would like to, feel free to study along as well as take personal notes!

This ministry is NOT about me! This is GOD'S ministry; I am just the entrusted vessel for this ministry at this time. You will meet other brothers and sisters in Christ! Outside of the show, there will be edification, encouragement, and opportunities to grow in our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, offered in various ways.

This ministry will always stand by the following:

God should always be first in our lives.
God is our Creator and Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior, and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Guide; the Holy Trinity is One.
—Jesus Christ (the Son) is the only way to God (the Father) and to the Salvation of our souls.
—We should always seek and live according to God's perfect will for our lives.
God truly loves us, and He does care about what we experience (happy and sad): We can apply the Word of God to every area of our lives—and God is going to show you this here!

I am not about numbers, and I am not about self: I am about doing God’s will. So, if it is just 10 of us enjoying this ministry, then we 10 are going to grow together in God! I just want as many people as possible to join me on this spiritual, fun, sometimes tearful, progress-filled, growth-encouraging, beautiful journey!

Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places on my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, you, creativity, and talking! I hope you smile here! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

Please support this ministry the LORD has entrusted me with? You can do so the following ways:

1) If led by the LORD, share this ministry's posts across social media.

2) Tell a friend, a family member, tell anybody about Boldness & Virtue Ministries.

3) Subscribe to the "Boldness and Virtue" YouTube channel (it is FREE and the videos are NOT monetized). Click here to subscribe now: Boldness and Virtue

4) If you feel led by the LORD to do so, please share this ministry's videos or watch them with other people; share the ministry's YouTube channel or this blog.

Let us continue to share God's Word and God's love: Let GOD be glorified, so that more people will come to know His Son, JESUS CHRIST, and their souls can be SAVED! Amen!

Thank you so much for visiting Boldness & Virtue Ministries! Please remember this: I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Service to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
With the Love of Jesus Christ,
Charrese Monique

For INSTANT Encouragement: Please read Philippians 4:4-9!

Social Media and More:


Virtuous Modest Beauty (Blog):

FREE Album, "God's Daughter. God's Child.":
Returning Soon

*NEW* Email Address:

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

Copyright 2023, Charrese Monique

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