Monday, May 17, 2021

God's Intentional Connections

God's Intentional Connections:

Along my personal journey in this life, humbly said, not everyone has understood my brand of kindness, my capacity for forgiveness, my willingness to be welcoming in the aftermath of forgiveness, my gift to be extensively patient, the various ways that I show love (generally speaking). The (typically hurtful) results of that have varied . . . .

What God has taught me in the midst of and in hindsight of it all, is the following:

—Not everyone is SUPPOSED to understand.

—Not everyone DESERVES to understand.

—Not everyone CARES to understand.

—Not everyone is DESIGNED (BY GOD) to understand.

All of that is because . . . ACCORDING TO GOD’S PERFECT WILL:

—Not just ANYBODY belongs in your personal life.

—Not just ANYONE should have a special place in your heart.

—Not just ANYONE is meant to share with you your heart.

—Not just ANYBODY should have access to God's gifts in your life, natural and spiritual.

—Not just ANYONE should be connected to you and God's calling(s) over your life.


Furthermore, when you have been blessed with someone (or people) who not only "understands", but also appreciates and embraces who God has created YOU to be, what all God has created YOU to offer, and the special ways God has created YOU to love, and who reciprocates appreciation—and that person or those people align with God's will for your life:

—Thank God for them always.

—Pray for them daily.

—Love on them sincerely.

—Show them your love in extra special ways.

—Do not take them for granted.

—Be as patient with them as God needs for you to be.

—Seek God about them continually, to be a gift to them in every way God desires, in every way that person (or those people) needs (according to God’s will).

—Remember, they are a gift to you . . . appreciate them, however you can, whenever you can.

The Holy Spirit poured these beautiful words into my spirit to share. All Glory to God. Amen. 🕊🙏🏼

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all. 🙏🏼🤍


Always FORGIVE, no matter what. 🙏🏼

Matthew 6:14. (However, forgiveness does not require intimate presence; we must be wise, and we must seek God. Proverbs Chapter 2.)

Always LOVE, no matter what. 🙂

1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Matthew 22:37-40. Matthew 5:43-48. John 13:34.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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