Sunday, December 13, 2020

Trust God More Than Man


If you can trust a man-made CHAIR to hold you up—you can trust GOD to hold you up when you are down, in need, struggling, depressed, stressed out, heartbroken.

If you can trust a man-made SWEATER to comfort you—you can trust the HOLY SPIRIT, God's very own Spirit, our COMFORTER, to comfort you when in need.

If you can trust a man-made BUILDING to shelter you—you can trust GOD to shelter you, provide for you, protect you.

If you can trust a man-made REMEDY to help or heal you—you can trust GOD to help and heal you! JESUS heals!

If you can trust a man-made PHONE to connect you—you can trust our loving HEAVENLY FATHER, GOD, to connect you, perfectly.

If you can trust PEOPLE, with flaws, fickleness, and selfish ways—you can surely trust GOD, who is perfect, reliable, trustworthy, faithful, and absolutely unconditionally loving.

We sometimes, without a second thought, have no problem putting our trust in man-made THINGS and PEOPLE, and even in OUR-FLAWED-SELVES, but fail to remember just how loving, powerful, intentional, purposeful, intricately strategic, trustworthy, and faithful, GOD—the awesome Creator of the entire universe, our Heavenly Father, our very own Creator—truly is. When we ask for God's will, we must trust God's timing. If we are deciding to trust God's timing, we must be patient. While we are being patient, we must stand in faith. As we stand in faith, we must be prayerful.

The devil is a LIAR. Our flesh—in opposed to being led by the Holy Spirit—is UNWISE. Jesus is TRUTH. Seek God ALWAYS.

Trust God: God's perfect will, ways, timing, who, what, when, where, why, and how. He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, all-knowing, unconditionally loving, perfect. Our Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. Trust Him.

It is now 2:00 AM. When the LORD leads, I follow—no matter the time. Humbly said, these are the words the Holy Spirit has poured into my Spirit.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.

In Obedience to the LORD,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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