Friday, February 26, 2021



JOURNEY: What You Do Not Always See
RESULTS: What You Do See:

It is very clear that appearances and social media posts can cause people to desire what other people have, as well as things that do not actually exist—like flawlessness, an always easy life, and (sometimes) an absolutely happy smile—causing them to feel bad if they do not have a thing or certain experiences in their own lives. Humbly said, due to compliments and comments I have received over the years, I have a spiritual and human responsibility to share what I am sharing with you now (as led by my Heavenly Father):

"Flawlessness" does not exist in my personal life. However, both my love for God and my love for others do exist. "Easy" is not always my situation—but I count all experiences "a blessing", in some way.

In my heart, genuinely expressing Godly love, patience, and forgiveness, will always be important—and while I am NOT perfect—I try to live my life according to God’s Word, lovingly, with patience, and with a forgiving heart. Laughter will always be welcomed, "silly" is who I am. I like to smile, so I do so often. At times, wrong assumptions are made in light of all that I have just expressed—because, sometimes, people make assumptions based on what they see on the surface. However, please know this: Aside from God Himself and His perfect will—flawlessness does not live within or amongst me, but love certainly does. My life is not always easy. My blessings and spiritual gifts do not always come without opposition and/or struggle. My smiles do not always express happiness—but rather, strength, survival, and hope in my Heavenly Father. Additionally, on my own, I have nothing . . . but with God, humbly said, I have everything I will ever need: God is my Provider.

I am 100% me, real, genuine. What I post about IS reality. However, naturally, it is not my entire reality. I go through hardships, just like everyone else does. There is just no need for me to share about my hardships, unless God has called me to do so for His purposes, for testimony. My family has issues too, just like everyone else's. However, I do not believe in bashing, blasting, or gossiping about my family members (or about anyone).

My not sharing when I am experiencing tough times does not mean that difficult times do not exist in my life. I am human too. Humbly said and all glory to God: I am a warrior and I am a survivor in multiple senses, beyond what most people know. My Heavenly Father gets me through and is my Guide.

This is NOT AT ALL just about compliments and comments that have been directed toward me; God just led me to use my life for an example. Many people make assumptions about other people and about their lives, and sometimes, they start comparing, they even start competing. That is universal. It is so important that you remember the following:

NEVER compare yourself to someone else. NEVER compare your family to someone else's family. NEVER compare your walk with someone else's walk in life. It is okay to be inspired or motivated by someone, and admiration is fine—but NEVER desire to be someone else other than yourself, NEVER desire someone else's life, and NEVER desire what someone else either has or appears to have in any envious, jealous, or covetous ways: YOU DO NOT TRULY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE REALLY ASKING FOR! We are all built with different capacities of what we can and cannot handle. For example, you might not be able to handle what I can, just like I might not be able to handle what you can. Why? Because when it comes to God's will for our lives: What God asks and requires from us all, in order for us to do our parts in the fulfillment of His will and our purposes in life—"individually" speaking—what God asks and requires from us will differ from one person to another when it comes to levels, intensities, and amounts.

Simply put (this is just a parable): Suppose God gave you the capacity to only be able to carry 200 lbs, and this is all your purpose in life requires. However, your friend can handle carrying 400 lbs—because this is the capacity God gave him, and his purpose in life and profession requires this amount of strength. Instead of angrily wondering why your friend is capable of reaching that strength and build, and being envious of him because he can carry 400 lbs, and you cannot: you should consider all that he had to go through in order to achieve those results, and why being able to do so is called for in his life.

Even when God blesses multiple people similarly (for example, five individuals are blessed with a new job): God blesses them each in ways that are unique to how He created those people individually and unique to their lives and purposes—and their journeys WILL NOT BE EXACTLY THE SAME. Desire God's will for YOU. Desire God's will for YOUR life. God's plans for YOU are perfect for YOU.

Please make no mistake, I feel blessed in my life, no matter what. I am accepting of God's perfect will. I smile. I laugh. I enjoy. God has things in store for my life that I look forward to. However, please understand this: Generally speaking, most times, YOU WILL ONLY SEE THE "RESULTS" BUT NOT THE "JOURNEY" IN SOMEONE'S LIFE. You will only see the results of someone's obedience to God. You will only see the results of having a loving, forgiving heart. You will only see what someone looks like only after they have survived. You will only see the results of someone's prayer life. You will only see the results of someone's patience through spiritual and personal attacks. You will not always know about all the pain, mistreatment, spiritual attacks, emotional and physical weariness, health issues, tears, heartbreak, heartache, breakdowns, disappointments, satanic opposition, and all of the tough life lessons, that someone PERSEVERED through and that happened ON THE WAY to that person’s blessings, breakthroughs, new beginnings, and happiness!

All that was just stated about one's behind-the-scenes, at times, tough journey: that is also MY truth. I will never brag or over-share about my blessings—God calls us to be humble, loving, wise, and compassionate toward others and what they might be or are certainly going through (Proverbs 25:20 can be referenced here). However, whatever blessings, moments of happiness, smiles, laughter, gifts from the LORD, and rewards I receive from my Heavenly Father, that I do share (of course, by God's leading), and whatever works I share for my Heavenly Father—just KNOW that there was a JOURNEY . . .  and a mostly tough one . . . . Humbly, I accept and have learned and grown from it all. I count all of it to be blessings.

Gladly, embrace your own journey. Be prayerful through it all. Trust God's will for YOUR life. Be patient. Be thankful along your journey—there is a reason for everything. Be thankful in your results—do not forget about God, and remember to keep God first, when you get what you have prayed for and were patient for. God has perfect timing; there is a season for everything and everyone. Trust God's love for you.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 22, 2021

"Submitting" to Your Husband


"Submitting" to Your Husband:


22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

-Ephesians 5:22-23

"I am NOT 'submitting' to a man!"

Chill, sister soldier. "Submit" does NOT mean that a woman should allow a man to control her, abuse her, belittle her, or use her. God is LOVE, and that does NOT reflect God's love.

In short, to "submit" to your husband means the following: Your husband is to be the head of the household, taking care of you and your family; your husband is leading AS he is being led by GOD.

You cannot submit to just ANY man. Make sure he is God's will for you—because a man who truly loves the LORD and is submissive to God and His will, while you cannot expect him to be perfect, he will certainly love and lead you and the household righteously and faithfully.

As for you, the amazing wife: A good man knows the incredible value of a good woman! You are to be your husband's "help meet". What does this mean? "Help meet" means "suitable helper". This means you are a TEAM. This means that a woman's "help" is IMPORTANT in a man's life—as God's Holy Word tells us the following:

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

-Genesis 2:18 (KJV)

The Amplified version explains the following:

Now the LORD God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.”

-Genesis 2:18

Ladies, please read Proverbs 31:10-31: The virtuous woman is an amazing partner for her husband, while still being amazing in other areas as well. This woman had her own business, purposes, and skills (not that all of this is required of her, but she was capable and she achieved her goals, and she still took care of her family as a wife). You becoming one with your husband does not mean you lose purpose. Not at all. You will have purpose as individuals, and you will have purpose together as one with each other.

In marriage, you are a TEAM. You LOVE each other. You are to be PURPOSEFUL with each other. You SUPPORT each other. A man has his duties as a husband, it is quite a responsibility to care for a household. Keeping this in mind, ladies, (prepare yourselves if you are unmarried, evaluate yourselves if you are married, and) bring something to the table as well—and that is YOUR VALUE AS A WOMAN. Please, KNOW that you are VALUABLE and ACTIVELY STAND in this beautiful truth. LOVING your husband also means being aware that men have feelings too, this is part of where being a loving "help meet" comes in: Love him faithfully. Encourage him. Talk to him. Be his confidant. Be his best friend. Be loving ears that listen when he needs someone to talk to—be that someone. Be a shoulder for him to cry on (yes, men cry, and that is okay). Make love to your husband selflessly and lovingly; your husband is not an object of lust, he is a man who desires every part of your love, just like you desire every part of his love (sex is one of the many expressions of love, and 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 are also important verses here). Edify him. Pray for him. Pray with him. Love his soul.

Let your union be a reflection of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His bride (the body of Christ)—loving, caring, at times self-sacrificial, united, a team, purposeful, respectful, in God's will, pleasing to God. You submit to each other in special ways, ways that are unique to your positions as "husband" and "wife", and in the same ways simply as children of God. SERVE EACH OTHER, LOVINGLY. (Please read Ephesians 5:21-33.)

Humbly said, it is now 5:58am [at the time this was recorded]. It has been over an hour and a half since God started pouring all of these words into my spirit. As led by God, prayerfully, I wrote them all down and am sharing them now.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Communication in Relationships (of All Kinds)


Communication in Relationships:
An Important Message on Relationships (of all Kinds)
and Communication:

"Differences" is not always the problem:


Failing to communicate properly—with love, patience, and kind speaking tones; with the willingness to actually listen to one another and at least try to understand one another, instead of verbally or mentally cutting one another off, instead of automatically being ready to disagree or defend without truly listening first; and without conclusion jumping, rude facial expressions, and bad attitudes—are the problems. Excluding God is a problem.


Wisely ponder your words and responses (silently if necessary), then talk. If necessary, kindly step away, pray, and then return to the conversation later (making sure to not go to bed angry at each other, as that gives room for Satan to have a foothold, Ephesians 4:26-27). Pray together before beginning or continuing on with a discussion. Consider each other's feelings and life experiences (while not making each other pay for your pasts). Be mindful of your own words and actions, or a lack thereof where there should have been—and acknowledge, take responsibility, and apologize for any offenses on your behalf if any exist. How the other individual in the matter responds or carries themselves is between God and them—God will address them in His own way Himself, God will lead you on how and when to address them if it is called for, or a combination of both will occur. Just do your parts, prayerfully and with love and forgiveness. Apologize in general for anything less than unity and love, no matter who you think is at fault.


All of that applies to every type of relationship—friendships, family, with that special someone, marriage. The main and most vital components of healthy relationships and communication that absolutely cannot be excluded are the following: God (our Heavenly Father, Jesus, His Holy Spirit), love, respect, and forgiveness.


 Be led by the Holy Spirit with one another, and allow His beautiful fruit to be produced:

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

-Galatians 5:22



I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Miracles STILL Happen! Charrese Monique's Testimony

Miracles STILL Happen: Charrese Monique's Testimony

Miracles STILL Happen!
Charrese Monique's Testimony:

On the morning of December 18, 2020, God woke me up out of my sleep to put together this video and share it. Topic: Miracles STILL Happen!

With a humble heart, as led by the LORD, I am sharing clips from a testimony I shared on October 12, 2019: With my medical records provided, I will be sharing my testimony of how prayer works, how Jesus healed me in a situation that could have costed me my life. Doctors could not help me! Medicine could not help me, it only made things worse! Only Jesus could help me! His healing! Hallelujah!

(Yes, I feel a little uncomfortable sharing, as I look back at this video and I can see that I was still recovering, and you'll see pictures of my colon. However, I also look back and see evidence of miracles! I see a survivor. I see that my testimony is not just for me—it is also for you. So, in obedience to my loving Heavenly Father, humbly and gladly, I am sharing.)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
-Hebrews 13:8

Please click the photo below or follow the link under the photo to watch my testimony. I was not able to link the video here, directly—but God's will prevails!

Note: I removed the pictures of what happened to my face, as God allowed since it was a bit traumatizing for me. However, they are in the original video on YouTube. Thank you.



I love you all, but GOD truly loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

Prayerfully Typed by the Leading of the Holy Spirit,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries



Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.