Monday, March 29, 2021

Our Feelings DO Matter to God!


Our Feelings DO Matter to God!

Stop telling people things like, "When it comes to God's Word, YOUR FEELINGS DON'T MATTER." Why? Because to our Heavenly Father, our feelings DO matter:

If our feelings did not matter to God, He would NOT offer us His Holy Spirit, who is also referred to as our "COMFORTER"—and comforting addresses our FEELINGS.

If God did not care about our feelings, He would not offer HEALING—for our HURT FEELINGS.

If our feelings did not matter to God, He would not offer us His TRUTHS—for our CONFUSED FEELINGS.

You hear people say, "It's not about WHAT you say, it's about HOW you say it." While that is true for a lot of situations, that is not true for ALL situations. Sometimes, no matter how "kindly" you say a thing, your words can still hurt (doing more harm than actual good)—and telling someone that their "feelings do not matter," can really hurt.

For some, your true (humble and faith-filled) intentions are recognized: What you are trying to convey is that God's truth is God's truth, no matter what. That is righteous and true. However, God DOES care about our feelings, even those feelings that do not align with God's Word or His will . . . and that is part of WHY He provided for us His Holy Word in the first place—to provide correction to what we might FEEL is "right" and provide for us His TRUTHS, and to then provide comfort and healing regarding any FEELINGS that often times follow after we are corrected or are trying to turn our lives around to align with God's Word.

Instead of saying, "Your feelings don't matter," try saying the following: "How you feel matters to God and to me. However, how we feel does not justify our sins. How we feel does not change God's truths." Then, LOVINGLY, refer them to God's Word about whatever the matter is. Do all of this led by the Holy Spirit, of course.

Be careful how you speak to people. While one should never take how PEOPLE have treated them out on GOD, the reality is that people WILL and sometimes DO take how you—a proclaimed Christian and "representative of Jesus Christ" in their eyes—have treated them, out on God; sometimes, this pushes them away from Christ. So, be patient. Be loving. Be honest, but without being insensitive. Again, be loving. GOD cares about everyone's feelings, and so should we.

This is what God's Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks to share. Glory to God.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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