Monday, September 30, 2019

Live with Purpose!

"Live with Purpose!" | Boldness & Virtue (Episode 3):

(View this video below.)

       Episode Three: "Live with Purpose!" What is your purpose in life? What is the true meaning of success? By the leading of the LORD, these things as well as the following will be addressed:

—Our desires and passions (regarding purpose) and how they might line up with God's will.

—What success is and what success is not; our perceptions of success.

—How we are all connected; how our choices and our obedience and disobedience to God can affect one another.

—God's filtering process in our lives and "times of solitude."

—The attacks of Satan against us and against God's will for our lives, and how we can fight back!

—How beautifully unique you are—as God made you that way—and how there is no need to compare yourself with others!

—How Jesus Christ is our perfect example to follow if we want to be truly successful!

       Let me tell you, I got attacked while and after filming this episode—but GOD'S will prevails! I just could not wait to share! God is so awesome! To God be the glory! This is not about me—it is about God's glory; it is about your precious souls, lives, and hearts. Humbly said, I am just at service to my Heavenly Father, God. I just get to enjoy the creativity and I love all of you. May God touch your hearts through this message.

       Get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles (or bible apps)! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on screen! So, if you'd like to, feel free to take personal notes!

       Please forgive me: For about the first 4 1/2 minutes of the teaching, I did not realize my shirt had gotten tugged a little. I honestly did not do that on purpose. I prayed about it and was Led to clarify things and offer my apologies. I am being more careful with my attire (some of my clothing do not fit me well, I might have to sew some things). Modesty, being careful not to cause others to stumble, avoiding distracting others from being spiritually fed, and demonstrating love for the souls of others are all very important to me. I apologize. I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

"Keep Running the Race!"

(Read the story below! You may have to view the web version of this blog to play this video.)

       Before and during the filming of this episode, Satan began to attack my body and make me sick. It was distracting, and I was frustrated at times as well as tired. However, God got me through! (Hallelujah!) One of my film days for this episode did not finish until, well, the next day, some time after midnight. After filming, I like to talk to God as I enjoy a nice, peaceful walk. Yes, after mid-night, I took that "walk" (and I took my dog with me).

       Suddenlyalthough I had been feeling under the weather as well as tired—I just got this desire to run! Not jog, not speed walk: I mean, book it! So, my dog and I just ran! It was so liberating! Every once in a while, I felt the LORD leading me to stop and just walk for a bit, rest . . . and then, it was time to dash again! I felt like it was just God, my dog, and me; the night, the streets, and the stars were all ours! Not one soul was in sight! It was beautiful!

       God gave me a live-action parable to experience that expressed this: Keep being led by the LORD and trusting Him! Persevere and keep running, and know that God will strengthen and empower you whenever you need strengthening and empowering! Rest when you need to, but then get back to the race, as the Holy Spirit leads you! Do not grow weary in well-doing; keep going and let the LORD be your strength! No weapon formed against you shall prosper! When you are feeling down or under the weather, let Jesus Christ be your joy! There is freedom in Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ truly liberates you! Keep running the race of Faith: We have the Kingdom of God to look forward to! Praise God!

       The little video I posted above, I made from SnapChat pictures I took a couple hours later. The funny thing is, I did not take those pictures in that exact order: God led me with how to arrange the pictures for the video (yes, God still loves Creating!); He led me to arrange the pictures to where my smile would grow . . . and in the process, He produced a beating heart! I did not do that on purpose! God is just beautiful! Did Jesus just call us His heartbeat? *Smiles!* He is so very loving! Always remember this: Jesus Love you!

       Here are a few scriptures the LORD would like for me to share with you! Be blessed!

Philippians 3:7-14 (NLT):
I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. 10 I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, 11 so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!
Pressing toward the Goal
12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

2 Timothy 4:7 (NLT):
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.

Hebrews 12:1-3 (NLT):
12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.

What is Boldness & Virtue?

       All glory to God: Boldness & Virtue is a show the LORD led me to create to express that all of life's answers are in the Word of God! There will be biblical teachings, testimonies, story times, advice, and more! I am as personal and as candid as the Holy Spirit leads me to be. This show also presents great opportunities to get into and study the Word of God! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each show for your own personal studies, note-taking, and learning! It is so very important to keep God first in our lives, to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our LORD and Savior and also follow His beautiful example, and to always be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives—and Boldness & Virtue encourages and teaches all of this!

       A few examples of the topics that will be addressed are the following: Celibacy, feeling incomplete, living with purpose, forgiveness, and toxic friends. So, get ready! We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of our life answers can certainly be found in the Word of God, and we are about to explore!

       Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places in my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, creativity, and talking! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

       *Please note: Boldness & Virtue is a "show" by definition and format only (there is an intro, a theme song, different segments, etc.). While God does have a sense of humor and He loves joyfulness and fun—God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is not a form of entertainment and will not be mocked. A "show" is just what God asked me to present for Him, and I am humbly glad to do so.

       Welcome to Boldness & Virtue! My name is Charrese Monique, and I am so glad God brought you here! All glory to God, may you be blessed as you watch the show!

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

In Service to My Dear Heavenly Father, God
With Love,
Charrese Monique

Copyright 2019, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

You are ALREADY Complete

"You are ALREADY Complete" | Boldness & Virtue (Episode 2):

(View this video below.)

       Episode Two: "You are ALREADY Complete." The LORD has led me to speak on feeling incomplete, rejection, confidence, validation, and to encourage you to seek your completion, confidence, and validation in our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! I will also explain this very important fact: There is a difference between being complete and feeling fulfilled! We are also about to look at the story of Ruth and Boaz in a way that you might not have ever heard it explained before! Although God has led me to focus more so on the area of your love life, you can also apply these principles outside of your love life! This message is not just for the ladies, gentlemen are welcome as well!

       Get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles (or bible apps)! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on screen! So, if you'd like to, feel free to take personal notes!

       I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

Important Verses to Remember:

       There are a couple of verses the LORD is leading me to share. Yes, these verses appear in this episode. However, this is something for you to meditate on whenever you are feeling incomplete.

Colossians 2:9-10 (NLT):
For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. 10 So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

What is Boldness & Virtue?

       All glory to God: Boldness & Virtue is a show the LORD led me to create to express that all of life's answers are in the Word of God! There will be biblical teachings, testimonies, story times, advice, and more! I am as personal and as candid as the Holy Spirit leads me to be. This show also presents great opportunities to get into and study the Word of God! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each show for your own personal studies, note-taking, and learning! It is so very important to keep God first in our lives, to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our LORD and Savior and also follow His beautiful example, and to always be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives—and Boldness & Virtue encourages and teaches all of this!

       A few examples of the topics that will be addressed are the following: Celibacy, feeling incomplete, living with purpose, forgiveness, and toxic friends. So, get ready! We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of our life answers can certainly be found in the Word of God, and we are about to explore!

       Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places in my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, creativity, and talking! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

       *Please note: Boldness & Virtue is a "show" by definition and format only (there is an intro, a theme song, different segments, etc.). While God does have a sense of humor and He loves joyfulness and fun—God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is not a form of entertainment and will not be mocked. A "show" is just what God asked me to present for Him, and I am humbly glad to do so.

       Welcome to Boldness & Virtue! My name is Charrese Monique, and I am so glad God brought you here! All glory to God, may you be blessed as you watch the show!

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

In Service to My Dear Heavenly Father, God
With Love,
Charrese Monique

Copyright 2019, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.


"Celibacy" | Boldness & Virtue (Episode 1):

(View this video below.)

       Episode One: "Celibacy." We are about to discuss celibacy according to God's Word. I will also be sharing with you my very own 15+ [Update: now 17+] year journey in celibacy! Plus more!

       Get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles (or bible apps)! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on screen! So, if you'd like to, feel free to take personal notes!

 I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

"Then, Suddenly, One Day . . . .":

       I give all Glory to God: The first day of shooting for Boldness & Virtue was on June 23, 2019. I took this photo just after 1:00 A.M. the next morning, right after finishing day one of episode one. I look a bit of a mess. Lol! My eyes, hair, and skin were all saying “NOPE!” but that's okay, because my soul was saying, “YES, LORD! Wherever YOU lead me, I will follow!”

       Afterward, I went outside, I took my dog along, and I walked and prayed. I looked up at the stunning night sky—the enormity, all the beautiful stars, its ends are beyond my sights—and I smiled. Anytime I look up at the sky, day or night, this makes me smile inside and I feel hope: GOD, our CREATOR made ALL OF THIS! Wow! There’s so much beyond this day, this moment, this town, this place.... GOD can do anything.

       I marveled. I smiled. I was curious as to what all God has in store. He continues to surprise me and amaze me. He spoke to my spirit. I was thankful.

       God prepares us for His purposes and to fulfill His will, even many years before His appointed times, since childhood even. Sometimes, we don’t even know we are being prepared—and then, suddenly, one day, we see ourselves becoming or experiencing exactly what God was preparing us for all along. Then, hindsight becomes so clear. I am thankful.

       I say these things humbly: Everything I do, I cannot do without GOD. Everything I do, I do it for the LORD, because I love Him; and I do it because I love and care about all of you. I like to make sure to express that I am just a vessel, in service to my Heavenly Father, who gets to enjoy creating with my Father. (I also have to rebuke the enemy and his attacks many times too—but that means I am on the right track.) As always, I can’t wait to share with you all that God places in my spirit to share. I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

What is Boldness & Virtue?

       All glory to God: Boldness & Virtue is a show the LORD led me to create to express that all of life's answers are in the Word of God! There will be biblical teachings, testimonies, story times, advice, and more! I am as personal and as candid as the Holy Spirit leads me to be. This show also presents great opportunities to get into and study the Word of God! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each show for your own personal studies, note-taking, and learning! It is so very important to keep God first in our lives, to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our LORD and Savior and also follow His beautiful example, and to always be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives—and Boldness & Virtue encourages and teaches all of this!

       A few examples of the topics that will be addressed are the following: Celibacy, feeling incomplete, living with purpose, forgiveness, and toxic friends. So, get ready! We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of our life answers can certainly be found in the Word of God, and we are about to explore!

       Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places in my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, creativity, and talking! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

       *Please note: Boldness & Virtue is a "show" by definition and format only (there is an intro, a theme song, different segments, etc.). While God does have a sense of humor and He loves joyfulness and fun—God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is not a form of entertainment and will not be mocked. A "show" is just what God asked me to present for Him, and I am humbly glad to do so.

       Welcome to Boldness & Virtue! My name is Charrese Monique, and I am so glad God brought you here! All glory to God, may you be blessed as you watch the show!

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

In Service to My Dear Heavenly Father, God
With Love,
Charrese Monique

Copyright 2019, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Unconditional Praise

"Unconditional Praise" | Moments of Edification:

(View this video below.)

       “Unconditional Praise” is a message the Holy Spirit placed in my spirit to share for those of you who are having a hard time praying and praising God in difficult times. If you ever become so sad, so angry, so discouraged, so defeated, so confused, and even so mad at God that you just do not feel the desire to pray or to give thanks or praise to God; and even when you do so, you have to push yourself to do so: this message is for you.

       I can relate, as I have been there; but the LORD is so loving and understanding that He is willing to give understanding—not for Himself, but to prove and show His Love to and for you! May you receive this loving message according to God's will. 

       I love you all, but God loves you best of all! May God bless you all! All glory to God!

       (Note: It was raining when I filmed this, so you will hear some thunder and maybe even some rain in the background.)

3 Scriptures to Read when You are Feeling Down:

       By the leading of the LORD, my mother, Gloria, shares three comforting go-to scriptures to read and meditate on when you are feeling down: 

Isaiah 41:10 (NLT):
10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT):
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Psalm 34:17-20  (NLT):
17 The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
    He rescues them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
    he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
19 The righteous person faces many troubles,
    but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
20 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous;
    not one of them is broken!

"No matter how things may look, know that God is always there to bring you through." -Gloria McSee

Thank you so much, Mama! I love you, my beautiful blessing and best friend!
Glory to God!

Evangelist Gloria McSee

Introducing Moments of Edification:

       Moments of Edification is the newest addition to this ministry! It is separate from the show (Boldness & Virtue) and is part of the ministry in general. You will see quick messages of edification, biblical teachings, encouragement, and Words from the Lord. There will also be discussions, interviews, and more!

Moments of Edification: There will be a variety of things you will see.

Boldness & Virtue: Maintains its "show" format, including its official segments.

Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

In Service to My Dear Heavenly Father, God
With Love,
Charrese Monique

Copyright 2019, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 20, 2019

About Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Hi! Welcome to Boldness & Virtue Ministries!!! My name is Charrese Monique!

We are about to talk about life and big topics! All of life's answers can certainly be found in the Word of God—and we are about to explore!

As a part of this ministry, I have a new show called: Boldness & Virtue! We will be dealing with big topics such as: celibacy, toxic friends, living with purpose, feeling incomplete, forgiveness, Christian life, and more! There will be biblical teachings. Story times, personal life lessons, and testimonies will be shared. I am as personal and as candid as the LORD leads me to be. So, please, get comfortable! Don't forget your bibles or bible apps! Scriptures will be shown and referenced on-screen during each episode! So, if you would like to, feel free to study along as well as take personal notes!

This ministry is NOT about me! This is GOD'S ministry; I am just the entrusted vessel for this ministry at this time. You will meet other brothers and sisters in Christ! Outside of the show, there will be edification, encouragement, and opportunities to grow in our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, offered in various ways.

This ministry will always stand by the following:

God should always be first in our lives.
God is our Creator and Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior, and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Guide; the Holy Trinity is One.
—Jesus Christ (the Son) is the only way to God (the Father) and to the Salvation of our souls.
—We should always seek and live according to God's perfect will for our lives.
God truly loves us, and He does care about what we experience (happy and sad): We can apply the Word of God to every area of our lives—and God is going to show you this here!

I am not about numbers, and I am not about self: I am about doing God’s will. So, if it is just 10 of us enjoying this ministry, then we 10 are going to grow together in God! I just want as many people as possible to join me on this spiritual, fun, sometimes tearful, progress-filled, growth-encouraging, beautiful journey!

Humbly said, I cannot wait to share all that God places on my spirit to share with you all! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, you, creativity, and talking! I hope you smile here! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

Please support this ministry the LORD has entrusted me with? You can do so the following ways:

1) If led by the LORD, share this ministry's posts across social media.

2) Tell a friend, a family member, tell anybody about Boldness & Virtue Ministries.

3) Subscribe to the "Boldness and Virtue" YouTube channel (it is FREE and the videos are NOT monetized). Click here to subscribe now: Boldness and Virtue

4) If you feel led by the LORD to do so, please share this ministry's videos or watch them with other people; share the ministry's YouTube channel or this blog.

Let us continue to share God's Word and God's love: Let GOD be glorified, so that more people will come to know His Son, JESUS CHRIST, and their souls can be SAVED! Amen!

Thank you so much for visiting Boldness & Virtue Ministries! Please remember this: I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Service to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
With the Love of Jesus Christ,
Charrese Monique

For INSTANT Encouragement: Please read Philippians 4:4-9!

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Thank you for visiting! Please come back soon!

Copyright 2023, Charrese Monique