Sunday, December 13, 2020





Someone asked me about "soul ties". The LORD led me into a Bible study to answer this question with biblical references. The Holy Spirit led me in answering this kind young lady. He has also led me to share the answer with everyone. Please read what the LORD says about so-called "SOUL TIES".

"Soul ties" are a false teaching created by Satan to try to cause us to feel mentally bound. As the LORD leads (I am typing prayerfully, being led by the Holy Spirit), this will be backed up with His Holy Word.

There are many false teachings out there. The LORD warns about these in His Holy Word:

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,

but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

-Matthew 7:15

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

-2 Peter 2:1

Satan creates falsehoods (he tells an abundance of lies) to create fears within us. Some of the most believable lies are ones that have SOME truth injected into them—but THAT is what makes them believable, THAT is what makes it DECEPTION: it is the "BAIT and SWITCH."

If Satan can create fears within us, he can have some power over our minds, and if we let him, over our futures as well. Because of his lies, some people might feel that it is "too late" for them to come to Christ or to return to Christ—so they stay in the world, are depressed, remain struggling in their sins, and so on, all because they have been led to believe lies about God's love, God's Word, and about themselves.

Speaking specifically about "soul ties", Satan can use that lie to cause people to believe that they are cursed, especially regarding their love life, or that it is too late for them to have a loving relationship or be married; Satan can make it difficult for them to completely move forward from exes and heartbreak—because they believe the lie that they are somehow BOUND to them. Two souls being bound to or intertwined with each other is not possible—that is a lie from Satan. We all have our OWN souls, and our OWN souls will either spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. Even if you are married, your SOUL is yours: You CANNOT go to Heaven or Hell as "ONE"—that is NOT Biblical.

Here are a couple scriptures used to supposedly "back up" the false teaching of "soul ties" . . . and the TRUTH will then follow:

SCRIPTURE: Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.
-1 Samuel 18:1

TRUTH: This is not literal, it is just an EXPRESSION that means the following: Two people can have so much in common and have such a deep connection, that those two people have a special bond. Refer back to the last part of that verse, "Jonathan loved him *AS* his own soul." They DID NOT and CANNOT actually BECOME one soul. On to the next scripture.


SCRIPTURE: 16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.”
-1 Corinthians 6:16

TRUTH: This is another EXPRESSION, it is NOT literal. "One" means the following: Closely and intimately united.

The teaching and warning here is that becoming "one" (being closely, rather, sexually, intimate) with your husband or wife is spiritually lawful—it is not a sin. While being "one" (being closely, rather, sexually, intimate) with a harlot or someone you are NOT married to, is fornication—it is a sin.

Note that God did NOT say "one SOUL", He said "one FLESH". You are joining your FLESH together when you have sexual intercourse. How you have sex, the very ACT of sex, joins your FLESH together.

Now, "becoming one" with your husband or wife, this is a SPIRITUAL JOINING, joined together by GOD, as marriage is a HOLY UNION. Sex is just one of the many expressions of love and one of many loving responsibilities (see verses below) in a marriage.

Verses about marital sex:

3 The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4 The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.

5 Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 I say this as a concession, not as a command.
-1 Corinthians 7:3-6

Fornication is a sin, but it can be forgiven. We are not bound to or tied with another person's soul when we sin—we are just in sin, backslidden, and are in danger of Hell. HOWEVER, GOD IS SO LOVING AND HE FORGIVES!

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

-1 John 1:9

See, God not only FORGIVES us, He also CLEANSES US from all unrighteousness. He did not say, "I forgive you, but you are tied to that sin or that person’s soul." Again, that is IMPOSSIBLE because we ALL have our OWN soul to be held accountable for (2 Corinthians 5:10).

I love you all, but GOD truly loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

Prayerfully Typed by the Leading of the Holy Spirit,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

17 Years of Celibacy

Happy 17 Years of Celibacy (Until Marriage)!
Charrese Monique:


Happy 17 Years of Celibacy (Until Marriage) to me! (This is not an exact date, it is a vicinity.)

I do not consider myself to be better than ANYONE! The LORD has led me to share my celibacy journey and the benefits of waiting until marriage.

Humbly said and glory to God: I have been celibate for 17 years! Yes, I am almost 35 and I am celibate until marriage, I will not kiss anyone simply based on physical attraction (I have not kissed anyone in over four years, I have no problem with kissing, that special moment just hasn't happened yet), I am not yet married, and I have no children (yet). Some people find my previous statement odd, they get curious, they question me (and my family *laughing*), I have even been treated as if something is wrong with me . . . . However, I embrace my celibacy journey with confidence in God's will for my life, knowing that all of God’s decisions and desires for me are rooted in His LOVE for me, including regarding my love life.

Here is why celibacy before marriage is rewarding and awesome:



Your Body is Not a Bargaining Tool:

If you have to use your body to get or to keep a man/woman, he/she is not "the one" God desires for you. God desires for you to be LOVED— not used, objectified or lusted after. Maintaining this mindset helps you to keep your spiritual walk, integrity, self-respect, and (humble) self-love healthy.

Having Patience and Honoring God’s Holy Word are Rewarding:

Firstly, it is best to be single and wait patiently on true love given by GOD—so that you can experience a loving, faithful, overall happy, healthy, relationship and marriage. Instead of settling for or rushing into the arms of the wrong person (even a possible plant from Satan), in order to try to alleviate feelings of loneliness or eliminate fears of ending up alone—and experiencing avoidable pain, discord, distress, and heartache in your life as results of a toxic situation.

Now, on to sex. Celibacy before marriage is beautiful and beneficial: It provides more focus on building a strong foundation of godliness, best-friend-ship, openness, comfort with one another, and love. A strong holy, loving, respectful, foundation is so very important to have to build upon. Take sex and sexual activities out of the equation until marriage, and lust and the "natural high" producing endorphins produced by the climax of sex cannot be mistaken for love. God is not the author of confusion. Therefore, God does not want us to be confused about whether or not we are in love or in lust, or whether or not someone truly loves us or is just lusting after us. While sex has been created to be very beautiful and very pleasurable (between a husband and wife, faithfully), please understand that there is more to love and marriage than sex: You are loving, marrying, and sharing a life with, a personality, a heart, a mind, a spirit; a being with a soul, feelings, thoughts, and emotions; someone with talents, gifts, and purpose; a creation of God, whom He also has a will for—not just a body.

Allow God to Prepare You for the Future:

Over the years, my journey has been very heartbreaking, and even lonely at times. However, however, however!: My journey has also been very rewarding, strengthening, empowering, and beautiful! I have grown as a woman of God, as a woman in general, and as a person. God has prepared me for my future. Now, I am not just "ready", I am also PREPARED. That's another beautiful thing about waiting: In your season of waiting, God prepares you, and your future husband/wife, for the life He has in store for you! He also prepares you for each other—how to love each other, how to be loved by each other, for your spiritual purpose(s) together as one, and more. You are set up for success, by God Himself!


GOD'S WILL being fulfilled as well as having AUTHENTIC LOVE are vital. Knowledge, understanding, and the valuing of both, all come from seeking God by reading His Word and by having a prayer life (talking to AND listening to God).

THIS is love, right from the Source, our Heavenly Father:

4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
-1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Seek God and His will for your life. Pray. Wait patiently. Trust God and His love for you. God's got a perfect plan for your life! Humbly said, I surely know my Heavenly Father does for mine. [Heavenly Father, thy perfect will shall always be done in my life, on earth as it is in Heaven!]

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

Typed Prayerfully,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

*Kindly and humbly said, the focuses of this post are NOT me or my love life. Please refer to A Little Some Extra below for an important message. Thank you.*



Important Message Regarding Posts About Celibacy and My Testimony:

Making sure God's intended purposes for His mission for me stay intact, and making sure the direction of the celibacy posts stay in alignment with GOD'S WILL, I must explain the following:

God led me to share about celibacy before marriage and my testimony for these reasons only: to encourage celibacy before marriage and to shed light on all of the benefits and beauty in waiting until marriage to have sex. The intention is NOT to share about my love life. As prayerfully led by the LORD, only pieces of my love life, mainly past lessons, have to be included because, sometimes, the topic of celibacy goes hand in hand with one's love life. However, my love life is NOT the focus: God's Word (the Holy Bible), His teachings, what the Holy Spirit leads me to share in prayer, and lessons from my testimony, are the focuses.


In Service to My Heavenly Father,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

I love you all, and I thank you for your kindness!

My Celibacy Story:

If you would like to watch my celibacy journey testimony video, please check out the video below! May God bless you all!

"Celibacy" | Boldness & Virtue (Episode 1):

Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Trust God More Than Man


If you can trust a man-made CHAIR to hold you up—you can trust GOD to hold you up when you are down, in need, struggling, depressed, stressed out, heartbroken.

If you can trust a man-made SWEATER to comfort you—you can trust the HOLY SPIRIT, God's very own Spirit, our COMFORTER, to comfort you when in need.

If you can trust a man-made BUILDING to shelter you—you can trust GOD to shelter you, provide for you, protect you.

If you can trust a man-made REMEDY to help or heal you—you can trust GOD to help and heal you! JESUS heals!

If you can trust a man-made PHONE to connect you—you can trust our loving HEAVENLY FATHER, GOD, to connect you, perfectly.

If you can trust PEOPLE, with flaws, fickleness, and selfish ways—you can surely trust GOD, who is perfect, reliable, trustworthy, faithful, and absolutely unconditionally loving.

We sometimes, without a second thought, have no problem putting our trust in man-made THINGS and PEOPLE, and even in OUR-FLAWED-SELVES, but fail to remember just how loving, powerful, intentional, purposeful, intricately strategic, trustworthy, and faithful, GOD—the awesome Creator of the entire universe, our Heavenly Father, our very own Creator—truly is. When we ask for God's will, we must trust God's timing. If we are deciding to trust God's timing, we must be patient. While we are being patient, we must stand in faith. As we stand in faith, we must be prayerful.

The devil is a LIAR. Our flesh—in opposed to being led by the Holy Spirit—is UNWISE. Jesus is TRUTH. Seek God ALWAYS.

Trust God: God's perfect will, ways, timing, who, what, when, where, why, and how. He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, all-knowing, unconditionally loving, perfect. Our Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. Trust Him.

It is now 2:00 AM. When the LORD leads, I follow—no matter the time. Humbly said, these are the words the Holy Spirit has poured into my Spirit.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.

In Obedience to the LORD,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Recognizing Love

Recognizing Love:

Ladies and gentlemen, please stop wishing and hoping that every man or woman you like will see your value; stop begging them, stop chasing them, stop desperately trying to be seen by them. STOP LOWERING YOUR STANDARDS. GOD HAS CREATED YOU FOR GREATNESS! YOU DESERVE RECIPROCATED LOVE.

Please consider this: Everyone you meet is NOT MEANT to recognize or embrace your value. Even if a man/woman does, that does not mean that he/she is God's BEST for you--His dearly beloved child.

Pray about your love life. Pray about the men and women you meet. Please know that Satan knows when you are lonely too, he knows what your insecurities and weaknesses are and also how to seductively speak to them through others, and he will send one of his impostors along your path to break youBE CAREFUL.

Again, PRAY about your love life. Seek your Heavenly Father! He is all-knowing! He hears the conversations a person has behind your backgood or bad. He knows a man's/woman's intentions for His daughters/sonslove or lust. He knows whom HE desires for you, His precious child.

The special man/woman God desires for you will be perfect for you! Will that special individual be perfect? No. Will you be perfect? No. However, because GOD is perfect and HE has joined you two together: you will be perfect for each other. God has designed you two to recognize each other.

Trust God and His love for you. Be patient for the RIGHT one. Do not settle for, or stumble or suffer because of, the WRONG one. Seek God and His will for your life . . . God's got you.



The LORD poured these words into my spirit to share with you all. God loves you all so much. This is love. God loves you immensely.



I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.
To God be the Glory,
Typed in Obedience to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries
Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.


Beauty Transcends Appearance (and Ladies, Allow God to Set You Apart):


Understand that your beauty transcends your outer being, as God has Created us: intricately, individually unique; to be emotional, intelligent, intellectual, humorous, gifted, spiritual, beings; we have precious souls. Know your worth: You are awesome, worth being loved, important to this life, valuable beyond what you might understand. You are Created purposefully; God was intentional when He Created you, beautifully so. Know these truths and act accordingly, and humbly. Feed your spirit with God's Word and flourish in EVERY way.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

-Galatians 5:22-23

29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

-Proverbs 31:29-30

It is Okay to Take Care of Yourself!

There is nothing wrong with confidence—just be humble. Arrogance and condescension are NEVER attractive. People remember how you make them FEEL. Outer beauty should not take precedence over inner beauty: Your "looks" won't save your soul. Your "looks" won't love someone in the ways they deserve to be, are called to be, and are designed to be loved. There is nothing wrong with self-care, grooming yourself, dressing up, doing your makeup (if you like makeup), working out and desiring to be fit—you should take care of the vessel God gave you, your body is your precious temple. Above all else, make sure your spirit-person and your relationship with God, our Heavenly Father, are healthy!

Remember to not cause others to stumble (financially, lustfully, seeking to make others jealous or envious, etc.), as we are called to LOVE one another, and part of loving one another means trying our best to not cause others to stumble.

3 Now do as I tell you—take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don’t let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking.

-Ruth 3:3

3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

-1 Peter 3:3-4

34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

-John 13:34


The Most Beautiful Thing in Life is This:

Jesus is our Lord and Savior!

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

-John 3:16

9 If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

-Romans 10:9

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all.

Typed Prayerfully, as Led by the Lord,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2020, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.