Saturday, July 3, 2021

About Charrese Monique



My name is Charrese Monique. I share the following humbly and giving all glory to God.


Before I am anything else, I am God's daughter, a woman of God, saved by my precious LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ! I love to smile and laugh, no matter what. I love singing, music, nature, animals and wildlife, learning, photography, and creativity. I adore love itself, according to God's Word. I am a family person. At times, I am a professional loner. I tend to almost always do a happy dance when I eat something that tastes really good. I am a warrior for Jesus Christ! These are just pieces of who I am.


At the beginning of 2019, God entrusted me to start a ministry: Boldness & Virtue Ministries. In this ministry, we are about to talk about life and many big topics! All of life's answers can certainly be found in the Holy Word of God—and we are about to explore! All glory to God!

As a part of the ministry, I have a one-season show called: Boldness & Virtue. This show deals with big topics such as: celibacy, toxic friends, living with purpose, feeling incomplete, forgiveness, Christian life, and more! There are Biblical teachings included, as well as reference scriptures and more shown on-screen throughout each episode. My own story times, personal life lessons, and testimonies are shared, and while I am an otherwise private person, I am as personal and as candid as the LORD leads me to be. So, get comfortable! Do not forget your Bibles or Bible apps! Feel free to study along and take personal notes!

I also film a series called: Moments of Edification. Moments of Edification shares quick messages of edification, Biblical teachings, encouragement, and Words from the Lord. There will also be discussions, interviews, and more! Prepare to meet other brothers and sisters in Christ!

The latest addition to the ministry is a series called: Please, Listen. The focus of this series is on loving one another, in this case, by listening to the hearts of others—with a loving, listening heart. However, the topics at hand are also meant to raise awareness about serious issues. Please, Listen also focuses on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This series is substantially free-flowing. As the LORD leads, we follow.

The Boldness & Virtue Ministries Blog features every episode of every show and series, along with extras titled, “A Little Something Extra,” in case you want more. There are also special blog posts about life, love life, communication, Christian love, prophecy, and more—all backed up by the Holy Bible, all Holy Spirit led. Some of this, you will find only on the Boldness & Virtue Ministries Blog! It is really “home” for all things related to Boldness & Virtue Ministries.


Independently, and for my Heavenly Father: I am a singer (I also rap), songwriter, music producer, and musical engineer. I am an independent artist, as I love to produce own music. Also, I am a filmmaker (videographer), editor, graphics and logo creator, director, and producer. I love to create!

All productions—no matter the genre the LORD leads me to create—will be moral and Christian at its roots.


Introducing Blameless Hearts Books, by Charrese Monique! As led by the LORD, the name of my Publishing Company was inspired by Philippians 2:15-16. On January 13, 2022, I officially published my very first work as an author: 2022 Inspirational Dog Calendar: Keera! My very first chapter book will be available soon! It will be available in both physical and eBook forms! There is much more to come!


Virtuous Modest Beauty is my fashion and beauty blog! This is the motto:

“Virtuous Modest Beauty: Encouraging the embodiment of internal beauty and having a humble heart, while still caring for your exterior. | Seeking a more peaceful, satisfying, beautiful life, according to God's will. | Encouragement is available for all—men and women! Modest fashions and more are showcased for women and teens! Ladies, you are more than your body parts! To be a woman of virtue is beautiful!”

As led by the LORD, I will be modeling modest fashions for women and teens! Fun and fashionable fashions, accessories, beauty tips, fun photo shoots, and encouragement are all included!


I officially began professional photography in 2011. The official name I have labeled my work under is: "Charrese Ti'Chelle Photography” (this will mostly likely change in time). Initially, I shot beauty portraits, business portraits, models, friendship portraits, maternity shoots, and family portraits. However, I have also shot very special events (a wedding for example), candid photography for get-togethers and parties, product photography, wildlife and nature photography, and a little astrophotography (mostly moon photography). Currently, I am in the midst of a transition in my life, and this extends to my photography work.

On January 13, 2022, my photography work was officially published for the very first time! I officially published my very first work as an author: 2022 Inspirational Dog Calendar: Keera! This work featured my photography of my dog! 


My top priority in doing God's will. God always comes first. I give God the glory for all He asks me to do in this life.

Humbly said, I am excited to share all that God places in my spirit to share with you! My goal is not to be idolized: My goal is for GOD to be glorified! I am just a vessel for the LORD, a child of the King in service to my dear Heavenly Father, God—who loves God, you, creativity, and talking! To GOD be all the glory and praise!

Thank you for being supportive of God's plans for my life! May you be blessed beyond measure!

Keep smiling! Remember: YOU have purpose! Your very existence is proof of that!
I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Service to my Heavenly Father,
With Sisterly Love and Smiles,
Charrese Monique


For Business Inquiries:

Everything available—ministry, music videos, short films, blogs, vlogs, and morewill be linked here in my Linktree:

INSTANT Encouragement: Philippians 4:4-9

Copyright 2022, Charrese Monique
All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

True Love Desires More

There are key expressions in the verses below:

"ALTOGETHER beautiful/lovely"
"Desirable in EVERY WAY"
"Beautiful in EVERY WAY"
"YOUR LOVE delights me"

Young Man:

7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling,
beautiful in every way.

8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
come with me from Lebanon.
Come down from Mount Amana,
from the peaks of Senir and Hermon,
where the lions have their dens
and leopards live among the hills.

9 You have captured my heart,
my treasure, my bride.
You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes,
with a single jewel of your necklace.

10 Your love delights me,
my treasure, my bride.
Your love is better than wine,
your perfume more fragrant than spices.

11 Your lips are as sweet as nectar, my bride.
Honey and milk are under your tongue.
Your clothes are scented
like the cedars of Lebanon.

12 You are my PRIVATE garden, my treasure, my bride,
a secluded spring, a hidden fountain.

-Song of Solomon 4:7-12

Young Woman:

16 His mouth is sweetness itself; he is desirable in every way [altogether lovely]. Such, O women of Jerusalem, is my lover, my friend.

-Song of Solomon 5:16

10 I am my beloved’s, And his desire is toward me.

-Song of Solomon 7:10

This video was filmed a couple years back, but the message is STILL VITAL: We are MORE than our bodies! God created us with purpose; and He gave each of us a soul, spirit, heart, mind, emotions, intellect, humor, gifts, spiritual gifts, and more. Physical attraction is and feels beautiful. Sexual attraction is beautiful and exciting, when in alignment with God’s Word. However, LOVE goes BEYOND physical and sexual attraction: It speaks to the depths of you. TRUE LOVE desires and requires the essence, the entirety of a person. LOVE covers what physical attraction and sex cannot (please deeply study 1 Corinthians 13).

The LORD is leading me to repost this video, along with the words He first gave me for this video:

"You won't find true love through sex. You won't be 'complete' by having a man or a woman in your life. Stop looking in the wrong places for these things: True love comes from God—both spiritually and regarding your love life. Remember, 'Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.' -James 1:17. Also, please pay close attention to how an individual loves and respects GOD as well as THEMSELVES, as this will tell you a lot about how they may or may not love and respect YOU, and whether or not they are God's best for you. Lastly, please know that you are MORE than just your body, you are MORE than your exterior: One must seek to love, as well as value the importance of, your interior. Never settle for less."

💝Happy Celibacy Awareness Month.💝

(My Celibacy Update: I have been celibate for 17 and a half years now. I am still saving myself until marriage.

Please understand that God’s timing is perfect.)

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all! May God bless you all!

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries,

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Blessed "in the Presence of My Enemies"

Blessed "in the Presence of My Enemies":

Some people have found unexpected and surprising individuals trying to connect with them, in person and/or on social media: unexpected phone calls and text messages; surprising social media followers, friend requests, subscribers, inboxes, and so on. Also, some people have surprising individuals who have lingered around their life, but the reason is not clear. You have no idea why these surprising individuals would even want to connect with you or be near your life in any way—given their KNOWN negative feelings and behaviors toward you (past or present), or their close relationships or connections with your enemies. Well, do not be surprised. This is to be expected.

Remember what God's Word says will happen:

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
-Psalm 23:5

Remember that prophetic Bible verse when you find yourself surrounded by people, whether in person or online:

—Who you KNOW do not like you.

—Who you KNOW are at least not very fond of you.

—Who you are AWARE are jealous or envious of you.

—Who you KNOW have tried (or still try) to compete with you.

—Who you KNOW have a history of gossiping about you.

—Who you KNOW have let other people talk badly about you, and they stood there and said or did nothing to demonstrate their friendship or their love or respect for you, or they even participated in the bad-mouthing against you.

—Who have said mean, hurtful, or hateful things to you.

—Who you KNOW have SOMETHING against you.

—Who you KNOW are [not-so-] secretly working for someone who does not like you (spying on your life and acting as "carrier pigeons" for someone who has something against you).

—Whom you celebrate and congratulate during their special occasion and achievements, but they rarely or just never celebrate or congratulate you.

—Who have never been welcoming toward you, and/or have treated you unkindly.

—Who have KNOWINGLY hurt your feelings, broken your heart, harmed you, or sinned against you—in ANY way—but have never apologized to you and act as if their wrongdoings never happened.

When you find this "strange" phenomenon occurring in your life, and God is leading you to allow these surprising individuals to be present in some way (typically in a non-personal way)—find it NOT strange! Rather, GET READY FOR YOUR BLESSINGS TO UNFOLD! Some of those "enemies" who have surprisingly shown up or have lingered in or around your life: GOD has those individuals present for HIS reasons.

This is NOT justification for gloating or about rejoicing when our enemies fall! We should not do either (please refer to Proverbs 24:17)!

Forgive all (even without apology). Be kind to all (God is watching your actions and responses and listening to your words as well). Love all, and demonstrate that love to all (Jesus is our greatest example of how to love). Move onward with your life and—with a HUMBLE heart—enjoy God's blessings in your life.

God's reasons for wanting us to be blessed before the presence of our enemies will vary. Our enemies might somehow be reaping what they have sown in our lives. God might even be teaching our enemies some kind of valuable life lesson by blessing whom they have treated so badly. No matter what God's reasons are, God knows what He is doing, and either way, God is LOVE—and our Heavenly Father disciplines and chastises us as HIS CHILDREN WHOM HE LOVES (please read Hebrews 12:5-11).

So, also consider the following: Your forgiveness, kindness, love, and humble heart and behavior, could also bring your enemies closer to Jesus Christ (we should desire this). Remember what Jesus Christ says:

44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.

-Matthew 5:44-47

Yes, some surprising and unlikely individuals who show up and try to reconnect or connect with you genuinely desire to apologize to you, make things right, befriend you, or be in your life in a loving way. However, the Holy Spirit is guiding me to only deliver the message above because: A SHIFT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED (in Jesus mighty name, amen).

These are the words the Holy Spirit suddenly poured into my spirit this morning, and I am to share them now.

All glory belongs to God.

I love you all, but God love you BEST of all! May God bless you all.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Principles of Love

The Principles of Love:

Love is sometimes self-sacrificial.
Love requires selflessness.
Love calls for patience.

This is the kind of love that Jesus showed us when He gave up His own life to die for our sins. This is the kind of love Jesus demonstrates daily. Jesus provides our example of how we should love one another: with self-sacrifice when necessary, selflessness, and patience. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 goes more in depth. (Please closely examine those vital verses about sincere love.)

In demonstration of our love for someone, there will be times when we will have to have and even maintain the following mindsets:

"I love your soul, more than I love the desires of my flesh."

"I care about your spirit, more than I care about what my flesh desires."

"I care more about God's purpose for me in your life than I care about what I desire according to my own knowledge, emotions, and ideas."

"I care more about your life and about the negative effects my disobedience could have on your life, more than I care about what I desire."

Jesus said the following:

41 And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, 42 saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.” 43 Now an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.

-Luke 22:41-43

Although Jesus knew He had quite a road ahead: Jesus chose God's will. He chose obedience to our Heavenly Father. He chose God's perfect bigger picture. Jesus chose His LOVE for US . . . over any other emotion, desire, or outcome. It is a beautiful thing that He did so. Jesus chose US and His LOVE for us, over SELF: Jesus provides our greatest example and best demonstrates the principles of love.

Sometimes, God will ask us to do something for love or in light of love that our flesh will not agree with, but we will have to step forward in faith, and above all, in obedience to our all-knowing, loving, perfect, Heavenly Father. God sees the bigger picture. God knows what He is doing. If you need strength, just like how Jesus was provided with strength, God can provide you with strength as well, in whatever ways He sees best.

Whatever God is asking you to do in order to demonstrate sincere love, however God is asking you to love someone or those people, whatever instructions God gives to you: Just do YOUR part, and TRUST GOD to provide the BEST outcomes. WE MUST TRUST GOD'S LOVE.

These are the words the Holy Spirit poured into my spirit, beginning right upon awakening. He is guiding me to share at this time.

Amen. All glory to God.

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

True Love Defined:

What is true love according to God's Holy Word? Here is the awesome, wonderful, beautiful truth:

Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].

-1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (Amplified Bible)

If ever you need a reminder of what true love ishow to express true love, how you should be treated, how true love should feelalways refer back to these insightful, vital verses about true love.

May God bless you always.

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 17, 2021

God's Intentional Connections

God's Intentional Connections:

Along my personal journey in this life, humbly said, not everyone has understood my brand of kindness, my capacity for forgiveness, my willingness to be welcoming in the aftermath of forgiveness, my gift to be extensively patient, the various ways that I show love (generally speaking). The (typically hurtful) results of that have varied . . . .

What God has taught me in the midst of and in hindsight of it all, is the following:

—Not everyone is SUPPOSED to understand.

—Not everyone DESERVES to understand.

—Not everyone CARES to understand.

—Not everyone is DESIGNED (BY GOD) to understand.

All of that is because . . . ACCORDING TO GOD’S PERFECT WILL:

—Not just ANYBODY belongs in your personal life.

—Not just ANYONE should have a special place in your heart.

—Not just ANYONE is meant to share with you your heart.

—Not just ANYBODY should have access to God's gifts in your life, natural and spiritual.

—Not just ANYONE should be connected to you and God's calling(s) over your life.


Furthermore, when you have been blessed with someone (or people) who not only "understands", but also appreciates and embraces who God has created YOU to be, what all God has created YOU to offer, and the special ways God has created YOU to love, and who reciprocates appreciation—and that person or those people align with God's will for your life:

—Thank God for them always.

—Pray for them daily.

—Love on them sincerely.

—Show them your love in extra special ways.

—Do not take them for granted.

—Be as patient with them as God needs for you to be.

—Seek God about them continually, to be a gift to them in every way God desires, in every way that person (or those people) needs (according to God’s will).

—Remember, they are a gift to you . . . appreciate them, however you can, whenever you can.

The Holy Spirit poured these beautiful words into my spirit to share. All Glory to God. Amen. 🕊🙏🏼

I love you all, but God loves you BEST of all. May God bless you all. 🙏🏼🤍


Always FORGIVE, no matter what. 🙏🏼

Matthew 6:14. (However, forgiveness does not require intimate presence; we must be wise, and we must seek God. Proverbs Chapter 2.)

Always LOVE, no matter what. 🙂

1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Matthew 22:37-40. Matthew 5:43-48. John 13:34.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

Pray First

Before you overreact—pray.

Before you jump to conclusions—pray.

Before you make a serious and even a life-changing decision based off of emotions, your own wisdom, or fears—pray.

Before you give up . . . on God's promises, on that person, on that important thing, on yourself—pray.

Before you move in fear—pray.

Before you consult your past to make a decision about your future, instead of consulting God about your future, when it is God who lovingly holds our futures—pray.

Before you sabotage a good thing—pray.

For some, the finish line is RIGHT THERE, CLOSELY APPROACHING . . . and the enemy would LOVE nothing more than to see God's precious daughter/son give up now: RIGHT BEFORE the beautiful changes. RIGHT BEFORE the new beginnings. RIGHT BEFORE the breakthrough. RIGHT BEFORE that second chance. RIGHT BEFORE God's promises, and even long awaited promises, are finally fulfilled. Some are ALREADY IN "THE PROMISED LAND", even if it doesn't feel like it . . . ALREADY THERE . . . but the enemy DOES NOT want that to be understood or realized. KEEP GOING! We must keep trusting God and in His perfect timing, love, plans, ways, and will.

These are the words the Holy Spirit is pouring into my spirit right now [May 12, 2021].

Glory to God.

In Obedience to My Heavenly Father,
All Glory to God,
Charrese Monique
Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Copyright 2021, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.