Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Gentle Spirit of a Good Woman


Gentle Spirit of a Good Woman

Gentle Spirit of a Good Woman:

You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.


-1 Peter 3:4



There is something so beautiful about a gentle spirit of a woman.

Be the calm to his storms.

Be the peace in his unrest.

Let him see contentment when he looks into your eyes, at your smile, or as he looks at you across a room.

Let your smile warm his heart.

Let your gentleness calm his fears.

Let your touch bring him peace.

Let your kiss fill him with the feeling and knowledge of being truly loved.

Let your gentleness transform into passion when being sexually intimate with your husband, as your emotional and spiritual beings have a heightened awareness—sensitivity—of what your body can express when driven by love; your gentleness is sensitive to his and your emotions and it actually fuels your passion in moments of sexual intimacy.

Gentleness. Meekness. Peacefulness.

Be his river of constant-flowing love, continually being filled by our Heavenly Father, as you always seek God about your special someone. Seek God about how to properly love specifically him, how to embrace him, how to be patient with him, how to communicate with him, how you can serve him best as his helpmeet, how you can comfort him when he needs comforting.

Comfort him with your gentleness: A gentle smile. A gentle touch. A gentle look of peacefulness and love. A gently spoken prayer as you hold hands. A gentle caress on his face. A gentle touch to his arm. Gently run your fingers through his hair and smile at him with sincerity, with a smile that says, "I genuinely want to see you sincerely smile." Gently smile at him with tenderness in your heart, with a smile that clearly says to him, "I love you."

Gently run your fingers across his back as you pass him by, with a touch that simply says, "I appreciate you." Gently whisper to him, "I love you."

In your private moments with God, gently say to God about your special someone, "Heavenly Father, I thank You for him."

There is something so beautiful about a gentle spirit of a woman . . . be that for him.



Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

-Genesis 2:18



Those beautiful words [they are much more than just "words"], the LORD began to pour them into my spirit, and God led me to record them. His Spirit is guiding me to share. Glory to God.

Ladies, Be More than Meets the Eyes for Him (Your God-Sent Sweetheart):

Don't just be candy for his eyes. Also be:

Edification for his soul,

Joy for his heart,

Enrichment for his mind,

Good health for his body,

Peace for his spirit,

Comfort for taxing moments,

Support for his purpose,

Prayerful protection over his existence,

Happiness in his life,

A reason for his smile,

A great blessing for his journey through life.

Understand your value as a woman. Know your worth. Be led by the LORD in his life. Be humble yet confident as his wonderful woman of God. Love him with the Love of the LORD, Jesus Christ.

God is Love,

All Glory to God,

Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Charrese Monique





Copyright 2022, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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