Friday, October 7, 2022

My Hair Disappeared in My Sleep: Narcissistic Abuse – Charrese Monique (Testimony)


My Hair Disappeared in My Sleep:

Narcissistic Abuse

- Charrese Monique (Testimony):



Imagine waking up one day, and almost all of your hair is missing . . . MISSING. It is not on your pillow. It is not on the floor. It is just simply NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.


Imagine waking up to go to the restroom, and what you see in the mirror . . . IS YOUR HAIR MYSTERIOUSLY REDUCED TO ONLY ABOUT AN INCH LONG and some places EVEN SHORTER, and this is ALMOST ALL OVER YOUR HEAD . . . about 99%. HAIR: NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.


That is what happened to me back in 2014. Be careful who you call "best friend", "friend", "family", etc., including in your family.



For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

-Ephesians 6:12



Imagine the culprit being someone you once held closely to you . . . .


Imagine the Holy Spirit comforting you and you NOT CRYING when you see your almost bald head: This is my truth!


Imagine no weapon forming against you prospering: GOD grew my hair back more beautiful, healthier, and longer than it was before it was "removed".


Imagine you still being confident and (humbly said) still feeling beautiful through it all: I NEVER lost my confidence.


Understand this: NOTHING a person attempts or does to sabotage God's will for your life will succeed! This is MY truth! This is GOD'S truth!


Because of Jesus . . . I win. I received more than and healthier than what I had lost! Hallelujah! On to the future I go!


Note: This is my real hair (in the video). I have trimmed it as well as cut it several times for its health. How it looks with the additional hair added (end of video) is about my desired length, God willing. God is amazing.




God is Love,

All Glory to God,

Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Charrese Monique






Copyright 2022, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.




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