Friday, October 7, 2022

"Strong Woman"


"Strong Woman"



"Strong woman" does not mean the following: being argumentative, loud, combative, abusive, a know-it-all, vengeful, violent, controlling, or acting like "Miss Tough Woman".


Those things say the following: "I am hurting." "I need healing." "I am seeking attention in a toxic way." "I need direction." "I need guidance." "My femininity needs nurturing." All of those things say: "I need to understand (and even receive) real love." (Please read and study 1 Corinthians 13.)



What does a "strong woman" exhibit? The following:


Holding your peace when necessary and wisely choosing your battles—this shows strength.


Prayerfully and carefully choosing your words before speaking and instead of flying off the handle—this shows strength.


Responding with love, in a calm speaking tone, with the ability to bring down the tone of a disagreement with a mature and loving disposition—this shows strength.


Leaving things in God's hands when this is the best option—this shows strength.


Mature and loving consistency—instead of abrupt blow-ups, impatience, manipulation, and seduction—this shows strength.


Patiently explaining, edifying, teaching, having compassion, being empathetic and sympathetic, and remembering where God has brought you from—instead of condescension, behaving holier-than-thou, being rude, and quickly losing patience—this shows strength.


Being a good listener—instead of always talking, making things about yourself, quickly interrupting in a conversation, or always trying to demonstrate how much you know—this shows strength.


Listening to try to understand and to try to find a resolve—instead of listening JUST to respond (rebuttal), defend, find a flaw, argue, or find an opportunity to make yourself a victim—this shows strength.


Being able to admit to your mistakes, to hold yourself accountable for your parts in an issue, and to apologize even if you have to do so first or are the only one to do so—instead of being prideful, arrogant, stubborn, or always playing the victim—this shows strength.


Confronting someone with love and patience, instead of with yelling in anger—this shows strength.



Femininity is beautiful. Peacefulness is beautiful. Patience is beautiful. Being mindful as well as prayerful is beautiful. Being wise is beautiful. Trusting God is beautiful. All of this—especially in tough times—shows strength. We are not perfect, so please understand that growth is also beautiful.


God is not asking us as women to be spineless or voiceless. He is asking us to understand what "strong" truly means. Toxic behavior can sabotage a lot of blessings and opportunities. Misunderstanding what "strong" truly means can destroy peace. It can destroy happiness. It can destroy true love and relationships. It can hurt others. It can hurt you within.



4 You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.


-1 Peter 3:4

God is Love,

All Glory to God,

Boldness & Virtue Ministries

Charrese Monique





Copyright 2022, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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