Friday, October 7, 2022

Jesus Chose YOU


Jesus Chose YOU

Jesus Chose YOU:

"But I'm no good."


"I made too many mistakes."


"But I . . . *insert sins, mistakes, and/or flaws here*"



Guess what? God did not ask you all of that!


God wants you to COME AS YOU ARE—and the more you get to know Jesus, seek God, read His Word, and allow yourself to be led by His Holy Spirit, it will be pretty hard to STAY as you are or to even totally desire to. (We should come as we are, but we should not remain in our sins. God can help us with this.)

God is NOT asking you to change BEFORE you come to Him: Changes come WHEN, AFTER, and BECAUSE you have come to GOD! Of course, we must try, we must do our parts—and God will do the rest! When we ask Jesus Christ to come into our hearts and we accept Him as our LORD and Savior, submit to God's will, and we let God lead the way, EVERYTHING will fall into place, including our purpose(s) in life.

Let us take Paul (formally "Saul") for example:

Paul killed many people. In fact, Paul killed Christians thinking he was doing the right thing spiritually. God could have looked at Paul and his actions and said, "Throw the whole man away!" HOWEVERRRR, God did NOT do that!

God looked at how passionate Paul was! God looked at Paul's passion, his determination, his persistence, his vigor, his strength, his leadership abilities, his refusal to back down, his fearlessness, his boldness, and his capability to stand up for what he believes is right! God also already knew His purposes for Paul.

With all that in mind: God stopped Paul in his tracks, God met Paul where he was—(literally) physically, mentally, characteristically, emotionally, and spiritually—showed him what is right; Paul submitted to God's perfect will and accepted God’s love, and God used ALL of those awesome qualities God had already placed in Paul for GOD'S WILL! For GOOD! For GOD'S KINGDOM!

God has perfect plans for your life. Do not back away because of past sins, current sins, flaws, fears, mistakes, past failures, insecurities, etc. God already knows all. God already has everything covered. God just wants YOU. God chose YOU for a reason. Accept His love and His perfect plans for your life, submitting to His loving and perfect will for your life, and everything will be worked out for your good . . . everything will fall into place and in God's perfect timing.

You might have doubts—but we can trust our entire selves and our entire lives in the loving hands of our ALL-KNOWING God.

If you are asking yourself, "Why me?" Well, WHY NOT you? YOU are JUST RIGHT, and chosen by our PERFECT Heavenly Father.

It is time to REALLY LIVE.

All Glory to the Most High, our Heavenly Father, God. These are the words the LORD poured into my spirit to share. May God bless you.

Jesus Chose YOU.

God is Love,

All Glory to God,

Charrese Monique

Boldness & Virtue Ministries






Copyright 2022, Charrese Monique. All Rights Reserved.

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